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Special List

There are 3 types of Special List: Common Place Name, Boundary Word and Ignore Name.

  1. Common Place Name: If the lookup result only matches one of the following (city, state or country), the system will check the Common Place Name list and see: if there is a country in the common place name: If yes, it will add the country as the first match in the result.

  2. Boundary Word: If there are any boundary words in the address (ie: street, avenue, etc), it will ignore the address before the Boundary Word and perform the Phase II Lookup.

  3. Ignore Name: Replace the Ignore Name with a space in the address befoe doing the lookup.

The Special List menu allows users to search, add, update, or delete a special list.

Search Special list

When the user clicks on the Special List menu, it will show a list of special lists as below.

Add a Special list

To add a Special List, click the New button and a new special list form will show in the right side.

Update or Delete a Special list

Click the Edit icon to update or delete a special list as below.

Check the Delete checkbox and save to delete the record.